Snack Time

It’s been hectic around here lately.  We have had company staying with us the last couple of weeks, we have been travelling ourselves, work is busy and well, training is sucking up any time that is left.  The result has been that there is less time for cooking and full meals and many more opportunities for snacking that I would generally like.  The first defense against being hungry and snacking is a meal comprised of real food with lots of veggies, good fats and some protein.  That will make you feel full and satiated and negate most of the urge to snack.  But in the event that just is not happening one day, here are some of my favorite snacks, which do a pretty good job of staying lower on the sugars and grains:

·        Dry roasted nut mixes.  (Make sure to check the label, some mixes may have dried fruit, candy, preservatives, chemicals and sugar coatings).

·        Lower glycemic fruits (apples, oranges, berries)

·        Paleo breads (i.e. gluten free and low carb).  I make a loaf or two on the weekends when I have time and then freeze them.  They are perfect to bust out during a week when you’re short on time and need a little extra snack.  My favorites are here:

·        Avocado

·        Fresh, cut up veggies with hummus or guacamole.  (If you’re not making your own hummus or guacamole, make sure to check the label to confirm what exactly you’re getting.  Check out Wholly Guacamole and Hannah Organic Hommos, both available at Costco).

·        Plain, full fat yogurt.

·        Fresh ground almond or peanut butter.  (It’s easy to go overboard on this, again, watch the label and also the portion size).

·        KIND strong bars—savory and lower carb than the original fruit and nut bars.

Just because you are busy does not mean that you have to toss all of your good food intentions out the window.  Keep these items on hand in your pantry and fridge and you can stay on the real food train, even when life is trying to derail you.

 Have a great week and Eat Real Food!