And Why Are You Doing This?

I need to work on a quick, snappy response.  The short answer is, I switched to a diet free from processed grains and sugars to lose five pounds after years of counting calories failed to get me there.  But before I lost those five pounds, which I did, I found that once I got off the sugar train, a number of other daily maladies, which I did not even realize were maladies, went away as well.  Here’s the rundown:

·        Weight loss

·        Satiety

·        Improved sleep

·        Dramatic reduction in recurring GI issues (bloating, heartburn, gas—all symptoms of a high carb diet)

·        Reduced inflammation

·        Faster recovery from training, and without the use of “recovery” products

·        Increased, consistent energy, particularly at times of the day when energy used to be low (i.e. after lunch)

In addition, through subsequent research, I have learned that diets concentrated in sugar have been tied to a whole host of metabolic syndromes, cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.  Gluten sensitivity is a whole separate issue but one worth considering as well.  Besides being simultaneously laced with GMOs, which has its own subset of issues (unless you specifically look for organic or non-gmo), gluten products can cause a whole range of inflammatory, allergic responses, which one might not even suspect is the result of the gluten.  I know I did not.  But overall, I just feel one hundred times better.  I did not even realize how much my diet of low fat, “heart healthy” carbs was dragging me down. 

That being said, the easiest way to kick the sugar habit is to Eat Real Food.  As Michael Pollan states in his (life changing, at least for me) book, In Defense of Food, “eat real food, mostly plants.”  That is the best advice out there.  Don’t get bogged down in the details, at least initially.  Some experts will suggest increasing your fat intake.  Others might suggest increasing your protein.  Those are personal choices.  You need to find out what makes you feel your best.  For me, I have found that more fresh produce and veggie fats (i.e. nuts and seeds) work best.  But you cannot make that determination if your metabolic system is clogged from a diet of chemical and sugar laden edible products. 

If this seems daunting, start small.  Give up gluten for a week.  See how it goes.  I think you will be pleasantly surprised when you realize how you are not feeling.  And if that works, or if it does not, take it a step further. Give up soda or diet soda (research shows your body treats them both as sugar).  Avoid anything with corn syrup.  See what works for you.  But give it a try, you can’t lose betting on yourself.

(There are links to some of my favorite resources on the subject of Eat Real Food on my home page…including Fit, Fat Fast (metabolic efficiency for the endurance athlete), Vinnie Tortorich’s NSNG, Jonanthan Bailor’s Smarter Science of Slim, No Meat Athlete and of course, Michael Pollan’s Food Rules.  Have a great week!).